Läst 366 ggr
4/4/15, 12:17 AM

V75-4 Romme 5/4-15

Lopp 8. V75-4 V5-2 Tvilling. Auto. 2140:
1 Sid the Kid - Frick K K 15406 13,0a
2 Sherry - Trotter C 32402 12,6a
3 Gigantic River - Wäjersten D 1d33d 13,2a
4 Obi Degato - Lennartsson F 62054 13,8a
5 Digital Motion - Kylin-Blom O 30015 12,3a
6 Quick on the Draw - Karhulahti V d1420 11,5a
7 Only in its Class - Nilsson F 73213 11,5a
8 Super Zantos - Andersson P M 25704 12,6a
9 Speed Hill* - Ärling T 35301 11,5a
10 Mystery Love - Punkari L 31404 12,4a
11 Offshore Star - Andersson O J 01150 13,9a

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